RocketFusion is based on a Module-Based Workflow, with integrated Modules designed to accomplish specific tasks, such as Calendars, News, Photo Gallery, Online Forms, Dynamic File Areas, Frequently Asked Questions, Business Listings, the Contact Manager, and, for Towns and Cities, an Open Government Module that handles boards, their members, meeting agendas and minutes, as well as an RFP Module for procurement. And now, finally, full-blown ecommerce.
Each Module has a specific workflow and is embedded and contained within the RocketFusion platform. A single sign-in gives you access to all Modules, and all Modules can be accessed either directly from the main website navigation, or attached to individual pages by category or in their entirety.
And, on top of all that, some modules are linked to each other in intelligent manners, such as online forms being dynamically linked to calendar events for class regisrtation and the bulk emailer to email all registrants later; boards dynamically linked to the calendar for their agendas/minutes and the contact mailing lists for automatic emails announsing upcoming meetings; news and calendar items being linked to the contact manager for bulk emailing; PayPal being embedded in the photo gallery (simple shopping cart), calendar events (pay for tickets) and online forms (pay for class registration).
Almost all features have been requested by customers during the many years we've been working on the software, and more will continue to be added over the years... most of the time for free!