RocketFusion CMS

Adding a Product to Ecom Module

manage ecom panel

To add a new product to the Ecom Module, you should start out at Admin Panel > Manage Ecom. Here you will see listed your existing Ecom Categories. If this is a new store, a blank Category will be created for you, called General Products. You can change the name of the category simply by changing it in the field, shown.

Set how you would like your products to be sorted, ie; by Title; sort order then Title; SKU; or Price (ascending or descending). You can also set this category to display or not in the drop-down Navigation of your website. If you've made any changes on this page, click Save Changes.

Each Category has three associated buttons: yellow Manage ## Products, green New Product, and blue View Category.

Appears in: ECOM Module


Add New Product

Click the green New Product button for the correct Category to add a new product. You will get a pop-up screen asking for the Title of the product, the Price, and the number of them you have in Inventory.

You will also have the ability to put this new product into additional categories, if any exist, as well as assign any Options, if any exist.

When you are done, click Save Changes.

Product Basics

You will be placed on the Edit page for your product. Here you would confirm the title, add a Synopsis (which will appear below the thumbnail when people are browsing by category), your Categories and Options.

You should make sure you set "Show?" to Yes, or the product will not display on the website. Also set "New?" to No if you are in the process of initially building your website. If your site has been up for a while and you have customers that come to look now and then, leave New to Yes, as it will add a big, blue "New!" graphic over your product image.

Pricing and Shipping

The next section of the Edit page is managing the Price and the Inventory. When customers buy your products, the inventory will go down, eventually to zero (0). When that happens, the product will no longer be available for purchase. So, if you sell a product that you create on the fly or are always making, you should set the inventory to a high number so you don't have to worry about the inventory on the site.

Putting a price in the Discount field will make the item be on Sale, and a red graphic will appear on the product image showing so.

The shipping will change depending on what kind of shipping system you are using:

  • Free Shipping
  • Flat Shipping
  • Per-Item Shipping
  • Calculated Shipping

Free Shipping and Flat Shipping are set in the Site Settings (Admin Panel > Ecom, then scroll to find the settings).

Per-Item Shipping allows you to indicate how much each product costs to ship. In the Site Settings ther eis also a Yes/No question " yn Ecom Multiply Shipping PerItem" which, when set to Yes, will multiply the Per-Item Shipping by the number of items the customer buys. For example, if you charge $10 shipping for an item, and the Multiply setting is set to yes, if the customer buys two of the same item, shipping will be $10 x 2, or $20 for shipping. This is useful if the item you are selling is heavy.

Calculated Shipping is more complex and involves setting up Packaging (defining the box sizes you wil lbe using) and the product's weight.

Lastly, Date Start and Date End allows you to set what dates the item is available for purchase. Good for seasonal and holiday-based products.