RocketFusion CMS

RFP - Creating a New Project

When creating a new Project in the RFP / Procurement Module, you need to have several pieces of information ready at hand, including the publication and due dates of the Request period; the close dates of the Q&A period; the fiscal period of the Project; the department and contact information; the skills involved in the Project; and a brief summary of the Project itself for public consumption. Optionally, you can also have an initial photo or image for the Project's page; or a link to another page that may have additional information.

RFP / Procurement Information

These are the fields you will need to fill in for each project, and which the vendors and public can see without having to register an account...

Bid Number Enter in the fiscal year and the project number within that year, such as FY20-01
Name The Name of the project, such as Replace School Roof
Type The type of posting this is, such as RFP, IFB, RFQ, RFI, and RFT
Category Your projects can all sit in one category, or be spread out among more than one, such as School Projects, Streetscape Projects, etc., if you find you have many projects going on at one time.
Department The department this project impacts. Optional.
Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the project.

Published Date The date and time this project is to be / was published. If the date is in the future from now, it will not appear on the website until the date and time assigned. This allows for a coordinated posting with local media and the corkboard in the lobby.
Bidders Meeting Date The date and time bidders are welcome to come in for a Q&A session.
Q & A Closed Once a project is posted, vendors may register their interest in the project, and once they have done so, they can post questions to the project right on the website for all other registered vendors to see, after being answered by town officials, up until the Q&A Closed date.
Bids Due Date and time that bids are due. Once the due date and time have transpired, vendors can no longer register for access to the project.
Bids Opened Date and time the submitted sealed bidder envelopes are opened.
Award Date Date and time the project will be awarded to one of the registered vendors.
Awarded To Vendor to whom the project was awarded (select from a drop-down).
Contract Price The total amount in USD that the contract pays.
Info Contact The contact information for the project, including street, and phone.
Skills Involved A check list of skills, editable by you, from which to select for this project, ie; Plumbing or Carpentry.
Link If there is a reference official link for this project, you would enter it here.
Image Optional image to attach to this project, both to show the building or project subject, or even schematics.
Long Description The full, long description of the project.

Once the project is posted, you should Announce it by Sending it via Email to vendors with verified accounts who have expressed interest in certain skills.

Appears in: Procurement / Bids Module